Car Crash Due To Advection Fog

Advection Fog is wind directed fog formation. It is formed by the passage of warm humid air over a cool surface with the aid of wind. The term “advection” scientifically denotes “the movement of fluid”. Fog is measured with respect to visibility distance. In Meteorology, Visibility is explained as a measure of the distance at which an object or light can be surely anticipated

Safety threat is created as vehicle handling becomes troublesome due to low visibility and reduction in road friction, as a result of weather conditions. Weather conditions like snow, mist, rain, fog, hail, etc. makes it difficult for drivers to run their vehicles cautiously, severely rise travel times, and significantly lessen roadway capacity. Society, especially the transportation sector, has been adversely affected, both in terms of cost and setbacks, due to fog. Fog is itself self- explanatory, but generally recorded when its occurrence hinders visibility noticeably. Fog formation is linked to the natural processes as radiative, microphysical, thermo-dynamic and aerosol processes. Occurrence of fog is witnessed when air chills down below its dew point. The difference between temperature and dew point is mostly less than 2.5°C or 4.5°F.

For the purpose of road safety, interconnection between motorized vehicles, drivers and road construction, and the driver conduct’s fit or variations with the motorized vehicle and infrastructure features in some provided surroundings and specific traffic conditions have been investigated and is still going on. Consistency of speed cannot be assured by warning systems. A considerable amount of speed reduction by drivers is not recorded until there is drastic reduction in the visibility distance, however ability to maintain lanes across most of the range of visibility distances has been witnessed. Along with the obvious insignificant part of fog in annual road crash summary, a strong cyclic pattern has been noticed in fog related crashes. To serve the purpose of guide lights, Light Emitting Diodes have been proposed as a substitute to road lighting in the interior of motorways, and further some risks are being covered up with vehicles developed taking such critical situations into consideration. Studies should be conducted for all levels of crashes, as counteractions against crashes in common will lead to reduction in fatal crashes also. It is advisable to take precautionary actions instead of waiting for crashes or serious injuries to take place, for the purpose of carrying out diagnosis and suggest countermeasures.


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