Abiogenesis Recycles the Life
Human always curious about the things that they are not suppose to. They did not know that by digging through things like the root of mankind, abiogenesis could lead to their extinction. The group of scientist gathered together and starts to experiment on it. They discover the possibility of duplicating the organism. However, it need a life of one to create it. Therefore, the head of the scientists decides to stop the experimentation. However, words started to spreads. Many people started to go missing without any reason or trace. Years gone by as the police were still struggling on finding those missing people. One day, news reported that someone ran amok in the middle of the street. Those who he touches would turn into one of them and behave similarly. This was how the apocalypse begun when human are curious about the things that they are not suppose to. The world ends in a month as life forms revert back to their original state of abiogenesis. There, it begins the first life on earth.
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