Faith of An Adventist
I grew up in an Eastern Orthodox family. My parents took me to church and taught me about God. I knew that when I prayed, He would answer. As a child someone gave me some books about Saturday, but our family believed that if it wasn’t from the Orthodox faith it wasn’t from God, so we burned the books. But I felt God drawing me and I wanted to read a Bible. Trying to get closer to Him, I found some icons and kept them, thinking they were holy. I married young. Believing that life would be better in Ireland, we started planning how to get there. At just 19 years old, I didn’t realize how hard the journey would be. We first traveled to the Czech Republic and then to France. We stayed in Paris for six months, during which time I became pregnant. It was very difficult—living on the street, begging for food, and sleeping in shelters at night. Then one night we snuck onto a train headed for England, but were evicted at the closest French town to England. We stayed in a camp that night, where ...