Greek At Its Acme

At the beginning of the 2nd Millennium B.C., organized palatial societies appeared on Minoan Crete, resulting in the development of the first systematic scripts. The Minoans, with Knossos Palace as their epicenter, developed a communications network with races from the Eastern Mediterranean region, adopted certain elements and in turn decisively influenced cultures on the Greek mainland and the islands of the Aegean.

The civilization of ancient Greece became a kind of turning point. During its existence many of these prehistoric notions weren’t eradicated completely, but the foundations were created for a new kind of world. Greece had one of the cultures that contained the spirit of the Western Civilization in itself, the spirit that is represented by individualism, rationality and productivity. Later it was transferred to the ancient Rome, then to medieval Europe, led it into Renaissance and modern period of history, so we may say for sure that there is a direct link between us and the ancient Greeks. Following one of the widely-known sayings of the British writer Gilbert Keith Chesterton, a modern Englishman has much more chances to understand an ancient Greek in his toga and more than two millennia separating them, than to understand a Chinese who speaks perfect English, wears a modern suit and, in fact, shares with him a table in a cafĂ©.

Many people consider that it was in the ancient Greece that the human’s philosophical thought reached its acme, and afterwards there has only been deterioration. Such people as Aristotle and Plato are still considered to be the most important thinkers that have ever existed – it may be said that all the contemporary philosophies are based on the ideas of one or another of them.


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