The Tales of ACHATE

ACHATE, ACHATES was the faithful companion who went with Aeneas from burning Troy. Virgil generally refers to him as fidus Achates, "faithful Achates."

Chaucer calls Achates a knight; Achates is a knight. Eneas's companions are called chevaliers and barons throughout the twelfth-century Eneas. Achates appears in the first half of the Legend of Dido.

Two other surviving scenes from the Aeneid by Dosso have been located, one in England, the other in Canada, and along with the Washington canvas have been identified as part of a frieze of ten pictures painted by the artist for the camerino, or study of Alfonso d'Este in his castle at Ferrara. Dosso Dossi was greatly influenced by Venetian art, especially the use of color and treatment of landscape as seen in works by Titian and Giorgione. He was perhaps best known in his time for soft, feathery landscapes and scenes of everyday life that are nevertheless infused with a touch of fantasy.


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